I want to illuminate a room. This will be done by two LED strips 60led/m, each 5m long, located along the tops of opposite walls.
In order to get full light power, they together consume 4A@12V. There's also additional 4m of cable needed to power each of these strips. In total, I get 18m of cable around the room.
Then, I want to have a dimmer. The simple way is to have uC switching a transistor with PWM. But having such a large antenna pulsing with 48W seems to be unwise.
What I learned, is that I could use an LC low-pass filter, to flatten the PWM on +12V line to a lower voltage.
EDIT: This is the latest diagram of the circuit. The only things left are uC and dimming potentiometer. C2 and L1 are calculated for 5kHz PWM.