I need to connect 3 devices with SPI in a daisy chain configuration.1 master 2 slaves. the first slave is typically connected to the master: SCK-SCK MOSI-MOSI CS-CS The second slave on chain have no MOSI input, only SCK,MISO and CS. I can connect this slave device to the master (MISO) but I interrupt the chain beetween the two slaves. The three device are: - Master: ATmega32 (MCU) http://www.atmel.com/images/doc2503.pdf - Slave 1: MCP23S17 (differential ADC) - Slave 2: LTC1285 (3V 12-bit A/D Converter) http://www.farnell.com/datasheets/1575635.pdf
Is it possible to connect theese 3 devices in a daisy chain configuration? Thanks for your help!