It doesn't need to be high performance, I just need to draw a bit mask.
I'll be driving it from a micro controller, arduino or perhaps a BeagleBone Black.
The application is to produce structured light patterns with a off-the-shelf projector.
It doesn't need to be high performance, I just need to draw a bit mask.
I'll be driving it from a micro controller, arduino or perhaps a BeagleBone Black.
The application is to produce structured light patterns with a off-the-shelf projector.
The Raspberry Pi 4 has two HDMI ports. Use one for your UI and the other for your structured light generation.
I'd go to the Raspberry Pi for the HDMI output instead of the Beaglebone black, and just use an HDMI to DVI converter, like
As far as I remember, 1080p requires a 139MHz clock rate [1]. Good luck getting that with an arduino or any bog-standard mcu, not to mention signal integrity issues if you don't design this properly.
A Beaglebone may be up to the task, I have no experience with them, but then you are probably looking more at software piping stuff out through HDMI. This is much the same as using a Raspberry Pi or other PC-related stuff, where the programming probably will be easier than writing mcu-specific firmware to do this.
If you want a challenge, you could try using an FPGA on a devboard, for example the ZedBoard [2]. This is a more expensive way (both in time and money) of doing it, though.
Good luck, whatever you end up doing! :)