All around me are a bunch of electronics: digital clocks, my laptop, a refrigerator, a dimmable flashlight, and more. What they all have is perceptible flickering of their displays due to PWM, especially when I make quick eye movements (i.e. normal everyday vision).
I've played around with PWM and LEDs before; flickering becomes comfortably imperceptible at 1000Hz or so, which is trivial for a microcontroller, even perhaps inconsiderable.
I realize some devices may be governed by mains frequency, but as far as I know, a lot of my electronics use filtered DC power.
Why can't every LED display be designed so that no flickering occurs?
I can think of a few reasons for our current situation:
- We have a bunch of lazy engineers
- Cost reasons -- maybe they're using some absolute worst microcontroller to save a few pennies
- Efficiency -- I know PWM is more efficient than constant current, and I guess the higher the frequency the closer it is to constant current (can I assume that?), but I'd be surprised if there was a major difference between 100Hz and 1000Hz.
- I am literally the only person bothered by this.
Thoughts, anyone? I do hope I'm not the only one.