I'm trying to make a level 2 simulation of a voltage buffer made by a CMOS circuit:
Buffer http://www.ele.uri.edu/images/Gif/buff_tran.gif
For this, I have been told to use level 2 CNM25 technology Spice models for the transistors, and I have been given the models:
.model NEWPMOS PMOS (LEVEL=2 TOX = 380E-10 VTO = -1.139 NSUB = 1.355E16 UO = 212.7 UCRIT = 1E4 UEXP = .1159 NFS = 662.4E9 WD = .4268E-6 DELTA = 1.824 RS = 134.9 LD = .8101E-6 XJ = 2.783E-9 VMAX = 120.3E3 NEFF = .06665 CJ = 3.816E-4 MJ = .3499 CJSW = 7.384E-10 MJSW = .3916 PB = .56)
.model NEWNMOS NMOS (LEVEL=2 TOX = 380E-10 VTO = .9418 NSUB = 2.639E16 UO = 648.2 UCRIT = 1E4 UEXP = .06857 NFS = 710.8E9 WD = .4086E-6 DELTA = 2.2 RS = 93.77 LD = .9132E-6 XJ = .0824E-6 VMAX = 59.62E3 NEFF = 1.479 CJ = 3.495E-4 MJ = .3950 CJSW = 5.952E-10 MJSW = .2941 PB = .65)
When I simulate the circuit, the output signal has rising peaks at the edges when the input signal goes from high to low and from low to high:
When I zoom in into the peaks, they are really weird and have a 400mV amplitude which I don't know where it comes from.
Is this suppose to happen or is there something wrong with the models? or, if it is correct, why does these peaks occur?