I have an old controller card from a pc which had to control some stepper engines. But there are several problems with it:
- The pc isn't working anymore, and I have no access to the program which controlled the card because of a hard disk failure;
- I have no manuals at the moment for the devices which has been controlled, because it is custom made.
But after the circuit consists only of 8 ICs and 6 capacitors and every wire on the pcb is shown clearly, I want to try to reverse-engineer the card, because we want to use the controlled devices again.
Thus, my idea how to solve the problem is:
- Use eagle to draw the board and the devices;
- Simulate it;
- Try to figure out what happens if I play around with the input.
Is this a useful approach? If no, what can I do else?
Problem with this is that there are two programmable ICs on this board (P8255A), and I do not have the internal programming. Thus my second question is: Is there a possibility to get the programming of these ICs out?
Edit: What I may have not completely stated is that I am not able to simply get the datasheet for the stepper motors, there is still a controller between the stepper motors and my card, and all the stepper motors are built into a spectrometer where I have no access to...
Edit 2: Some Images: