I am designing a mixed signal circuit and I need +5/-5 dual supply for my opamps. Could the following configuration work, else what are my alternatives?
Li battery 3V--> Boost regulator--> 14V-->14 to 7---> Linear reg(e.g.,7805)--->+5V
(coin or LiPo) 0 to 7---->Linear reg(e.g.,7905)--->-5V
The 7V would be the actual ground throughout the circuit for both analog and digital
Given that, I have a microcontroller and other digital components in the circuit, I will be drawing more current from the positive supply than I would be sinking from the negative supply, so a net positive current is drawn from the boost regulator (OR is there something wrong with this logic?)
Would this scheme work? Any other suggestions for achieving the same results? Any specific battery specs or otherwise I need to worry about?