Not sure why it would trigger on data_in when written like that unless your synthesising it and simulating at gate level.
always @(posedge clk)
in RTL maps to a flip-flop.
always @*
in RTL maps to combinatorial logic.
The @*
is an auto completed sensitivity list based on any signal which can effect an output (left hand side of =).
Your use of manually specifying a sensitivity list which is not used, to create an output value is not valid for synthesis. As it does not map to hardware.
NB: you should only use <=
inside always @posedge
blocks (when implying flip-flops) other wise use =
May be create an edge detection circuit which can be used as an enable for a clocked system.
//Capture Previous trigger values
reg [1:0] trigger_d;
always @(posedge clk) begin
trigger_d = {trigger_d[0], trigger};
reg trigger_toggle;
always @* begin
//Bitwise XOR reduction operator creates pos & neg edge detect.
trigger_toggle = ^trigger_d;
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (trigger_toggle) begin
data_out <= data_in;
Follow up to question posted in comment for system without dedicated clock:
logic pos_enable =1'b0;
logic neg_enable =1'b0;
always @(posedge trigger) begin
data_1 <= data_in;
pos_enable <= ~pos_enable;
always @(negedge trigger) begin
data_2 <= data_in;
neg_enable <= ~neg_enable:
wire sel = pos_enable ^ neg_enable;
always @* begin
if (sel) begin
data_out = data_1;
else begin
data_out = data_2;