I've got this homework about PSPice and op-amp. I need to make this triangular waveform and sawtooth(?) waveform of non-inverting op-amp circuit. I know the triangle one is 500us like the picture. But what about the sawtooth? The teacher told us to change TR and TF to 750us and 250us but it doesn't work. Am I missing something?
Oh and also, the triangle one supposed to start at 0V but mine starts at -4 volt instead. What can I do about it?
I'm new to PSPIce so please be kind ^^ Please do minor changes at the circuit.. (ex. changing the value of VPULSE) because that is what my teacher wants. Sorry for my bad english, and thank you for any help you can provide.
down here is the sawtooth thing circuit I've tried and also the result.