
I've followed the directions found here but after the step where I extract the netlists, when I export to PCB it gives the following error.

Error reading the nets from CAMtastic ! (C:\Build\platform_edp\CAMTASTIC\Source Code\Dlls\CAMUtils\ExportCAMToPCB.pas, line 296) at 29C46048.
CAMTASTIC.DLL, Base Address: 29830000.

Exception Occurred In 

This is a single layer import.

Here is what I have setup:

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


After working with this for over a year I've found a couple ways of achieving this.

First, working with DXF files is superior. I usually can import those directly into the pcb editor. If I can't, I import them into the cam editor, then export them to another DXF file, then import them into the pcb editor.

If I only have Cam files, The one thing I missed was this

enter image description here

Within Tables > NC tools I needed to specify a drill size. Often times that fixed my problem.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Good on you for following up \$\endgroup\$
    – efox29
    Commented Nov 11, 2015 at 4:07

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