I'm currently building a triangulation-based laser rangefinder with a camera and a number of laser pointers. Something that I'm interested in doing is using the strobe output from my Point Grey FireflyMV to trigger the laser, so that it is only on when the shutter of the camera is open. I want to do this primarily for eye safety. In addition, I'm curious as to whether I can then run the laser at a higher power level for this very short period of time.
The camera is gathering images at 60 FPS. This means it is collecting an image every 16.6 ms. The shutter time is adjustable between .12 and 512 ms. In this case, let's say that the shutter is open for .3 ms. I might keep the laser on for .1 ms on either side of the shuttering, just to ensure that the laser is at full brightness for the entirety of image capture.
So, I'm looking for a .5 ms pulse every 17 ms. First of all, is a diode laser (like this one) even capable of pulsing this quickly? Also, could I run the laser at say, 50mW for that short period of time, given that I'm running it at a 3% duty cycle?
Lastly, any circuits capable of doing this would be awesome.