I am noob at electronics but in short I am interested in stable states of circuit with no inputs which represents a boolean formula.
Let \$f\$ be some hash function, say md5. Restrict the size of input to be equal to the output (128 bits for md5).
Cryptographer told be it is open problem if there is solution to \$f(x)=x\$ (treated as sequence of bits).
Implement \$f\$ as pure combinatorial circuit (NO CLOCK), with 128 \$i_k\$ inputs and 128 outputs \$o_k\$.
For all \$j\$, connect \$i_j\$ with \$o_j\$ so the circuit doesn't have inputs(basically loop the circuit \$f\$).
Power on.
Measure (possibly with oscilloscope) \$i_j=o_j\$.
If you are lucky to hit stable state (logically consistent), you have solved \$f(x)=x\$.
In an unstable stable (no solution), maybe one will measure very high frequency.
Probably this is well studied, though an engineer couldn't find reference for the general case.
Are there references for this?
If it fails why will it fail?
If a solution exists is it known for how long it will be found?
If this makes sense, would please someone try it on something simple, though not entirely trivial?
Partial experimental results:
It wasn't easy, but me convinced an engineer to test it on bare metal.
Take \$n\$ inverters (logical negation) and loop them in a cycle (basically this corresponds to the cycle graph \$C_n\$).
There are no input and no outputs.
For even \$n\$ the circuit has exactly 2 stable states.
For odd \$n\$, there is no stable state since the boolean formula is unsatisfiable.
The engineer worked with NAND gates on a stand.
Experimentally, for \$n=4\$, the engineer reached stable state. Depending on which NAND gates he chose, the stable state differed.
For \$n=3\$ there was no stable state. The voltage was in the middle between logical 0-1, possibly with high frequency which his oscilloscope couldn't measure.
I wouldn't trust a software simulation for this, might be wrong.
The experiments were too trivial, so it is possible electric current to solve easy problems and not solve hard problems.
Someone suggested this is "adiabatic bruteforce", though still can't find the right search terms.