I need to control 10 12VDC motors at ~25Amps, so I decided to make my own mosfet H bridges to control it ( with 2 n chan et 2 p chan ). I will need 10 H-Bridge, so 40 Mosfets. ( 20 n chan and 20 p chan ) The mosfets which I'd like to buy:
- N-chan https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10213
- The p chan is FQP27P06 (I can't send more than 2 links under 10 reputations )
These mosfets have 62.5 degrees per watt thermal resistance to ambient, and the N-channel one has 0.045 ohm maximum resistance drain to source. The p-channel has 0.07 ohm
So I will have 0.045*25*25 = ~28 watts for N-channel and 0.07*25*25 = ~43 watts for p-channel
43 * 62.5 is a very big value so I was asking myself if a heatsink would be enough to absorb this heat ?
I've found these heatsinks: http://www.ebay.com/itm/10pcs-IC-Aluminum-Heat-Sink-With-Needle-fit-for-TO-220-Mosfet-Transistors-HM-/181411561757
I'm gonna have 40 of these, knowing that I will use 8 mosfets maximum at the same time ( 2 motors max at the same time ) if I put all of the 40 heatsinks in contact the 8 mosfets would be able to dissipate on the 40 heatsinks. ( which makes one very big heatsink )
I could also put 1 or 2 cooler fans.
would this be possible ?