Background: I am trying to make a push pull dc-dc converter from 12vdc to 400vdc for an inverter with a center tapped transformer connected to battery of 12vdc. The MOSFET circuit is as follows
As can be seen in the figure, there is severe ringing in the drain waveform of the two MOSFETS. The upper blue waveshape is the drain wave, while the yellow is the gate waveform. What could be the cause, and what could I do to get a clean wave shape on the drains.
I have added a non-dissipative clamp, like so
Then I got these wave shapes, on both sides, with blue being the gate signal:
Now my question is, If I add a passive RCD snubber between the drain and source of the mOSFETs, will that be sufficient to get a good 'square' wave shape on the secondary??