I have a very basic question regarding LPC2418 UART. The UART has got different registers with the same addresses. So while loading the data from the test bench, will it not load into all the registers?
1) For example,RBR(receiver buffer register) and THR(transmit holding register) have the address 32'hE000C000.And I know that you can only read from RBR and only write into THR. So if(addr = 32'hE000C000) data = 32'h10100010; wont the above code write into both THR and RBR?
2)Same case applies even for IIR(interrupt id reg) and FCR(FIFO control register) as they share the same address E000C008 and there is no signal to distinguish between the two registers like we could have used a sel signal of a mux to select either IIR or FCR,but there isnt one.