
I have a "complicated" circuit that I want to approximate as a simple harmonic oscillator. More info below.

I have a parallel LRC circuit, with some extra input and output load resistors and coupling capacitors. The inductor is really nonlinear (made up of a DC-SQUID). The input voltage consists of a cosine drive with a Gaussian envelope (so it's basically a "short" pulse). I can solve for the output ringdown voltage numerically by directly solving the corresponding differential equations, and everything works fine.

Next, I would like simplify this circuit by writing it in terms of a single degree of freedom. In the weak excitation regime (i.e. low input pulse amplitude), the inductance can be approximated as being linear.

What I've done is this:

  1. assume initially circuit is driven with a drive of frequency \$\omega\$
  2. interpreted all resistors and capacitors as complex frequency dependent impedances
  3. reduced the circuit via standard (series/parallel) rules
  4. arrived at a simple parallel LRC circuit, but now the effective resistance \$R_{\rm eff}\$ and capacitance \$C_{\rm eff}\$ are of course frequency dependent.

Next (and these are the step that may be a bit sketchy):

  1. assumed that the input is no longer a drive of some frequency \$\omega\$, but instead my original "short" pulse.

  2. I looked at the effective resistance \$R_{\rm eff}\$ and capacitance \$C_{\rm eff}\$ as a function of frequency and concluded that these quantities are almost "flat" over the frequency range of the input pulse (which I Fourier transformed to see it in frequency space)

  3. next, set \$R_{\rm eff}\$ and capacitance \$C_{\rm eff}\$ as constants (i.e. took their values at the central frequency of the input pulse)

  4. Arrive at a harmonic oscillator with constant coefficients driven by a complex input pulse (also frequency dependent, so I also approximate \$\omega\$ to a constant).

The final note is that I am hoping that this simple harmonic oscillator form can be useful to study some other properties of the inductance (which i'm not getting into here).


  1. Do you see anything obviously wrong with this approach?
  2. Are items 5-8 unreasonable?
  3. Could I expect the transients of this reduced system to be representative of the full, unsimplified circuit?


  • \$\begingroup\$ I got about half way down and realized I didn't have a clue what you are trying to do. Maybe you or I should take a step back and re-evaluate. \$\endgroup\$
    – Andy aka
    Dec 24, 2014 at 23:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ Well, in short, I have a circuit with multiple degrees of freedom, and I want to write it as a single degree of freedom (as a simple harmonic oscillator). I've done this, in way outlined by the list in my post. \$\endgroup\$ Dec 25, 2014 at 5:22
  • \$\begingroup\$ Do you have schematics showing where you started from and at least some of the steps you have taken? This would help people visualize the problem and take a better stab at it. \$\endgroup\$ Jan 16, 2015 at 2:27


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