I need to wire the following three-axis axis accelerometer:
Here when I click on ADXL335, the below link comes with some more information: http://www.analog.com/en/mems-sensors/mems-inertial-sensors/adxl335/products/product.html
Here it says: Single-supply operation 1.8 V to 3.6 V
I have 3 problems here:
1) Is COM the common ground for Vs and X,Y,Z outputs?
2) What is ST pin for? I couldn't figure out what it is used for?
3) Should the power supply be constant? Can I use a battery? The reason I am asking these if I have 9V constant power supply and I use 3 resistors to make a voltage divider, would it be ok?
4) How can I extend that 6-pin, 0.1 inch spaced header? Is there generic plug name?