To measure a voltage in a (potentially dangerous) external system, people typically use a differential amplifier or even an isolation amplifier, something like this:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
This way, the voltage going into the safe system isn't directly connected to high voltages, and we can happily put our ADC there and supply it a safe input.
I want to do this the other way around. I am generating a voltage \$V_{out}\$ under 5V, and I would like to apply this voltage across an element of the other circuit.
- Is there a typical setup for doing this?
- I believe that the low side of my output will be connected to the ground of the external circuit. That means it would be possible to do this without a differential output - I could just put my regular ground-referenced output into the external circuit. Am I correct to think that it's unsafe to simply connect the two grounds together, or is this the much simpler solution?