
I designed the circuit , but I don't understand part e). how can I use voltage follower in these two circuits ? enter image description here

enter image description here

  • 3
    \$\begingroup\$ Not wanting to answer homework outright, I would suggest re-reading a section on the ideal op-amp to understand what is being asked in section (e). The Voltage follower circuit is really simple to draw, but you have to understand the op amp input/output ideal behaviour to understand how it works. Hopefully in section (d) the voltage changed at Va and Vc to a new value, did you understand why that happened? So question (e) wants you to use a voltage-follower to restore Va to it's original value. Hope this helps. \$\endgroup\$
    – spearson
    Jan 27, 2015 at 22:37

1 Answer 1


A voltage follower can be made with a transistor or an op-amp, in this case I assume an op-amp would be better here.

Use an op-amp in a voltage follower arrangement, (+ pin as input with the output pin looped back to - input pin). If this does not make sense read up on basic op-amp circuits.

Your simulator may setup the op-amp power pins and gnd for you, if not you'd need to look up the power pins and make the connections manually.


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