I am trying to implement an RC integrator circuit in my design. The purpose of this circuit is to convert input pulse signals swinging between 0 to 2.5V into a ramp signal. The integrator circuit was designed with a time constant of 2ms. The circuit is as shown below:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
According to the simulation results and the theoretical calculations for output voltage, for a 10Hz input pulsed signal, the output ramp signal should rise up to the level of 2.48V. Whereas in the PCB, I am finding the output voltage rising only till 2.06V.
I tried one more experiment with R1 = 20kohm and C1 = 100nF (time constant still at 2ms). With this combination, I am seeing the output ramp signal rising till 2.5V (approx.).
Both capacitors used were of ceramic type with a voltage rating of 16V.
Does this behavior have anything to do with the capacitor's charging current? What could be the reasons for this behavior?