I've been browsing around looking for some information on motors\servos and AVR's (my MCU of choice). Motors\servos are in my gray area, meaning I'm still not too into them, but I could do something with them if a job arose.
What I want to do is design a little "plate", if you will, that I can use for one of two things:
- I have a bandsaw and could really use a device that will feed and saw things for me. So an X\Y axis device that I can either control position manually, or automatically with a preset that includes size information on what I'm sawing.
- I also have a Dremel Press I use for my PCB's. Although I have a great eye and hit my mark perfectly 80-90%+ of the time, automating it would be fantastic. So I would put my PCB on the "plate", and the AVR would position the board at pre-programmed coordinates from like Eagle. And then another motor\servo\solenoid\something would pull the lever and drill the hole; so on and so forth.
The software aspect is no problem for me. So in the purest, most basic form, basically I just need to know the easiest\smartest\best way to use two motors to position an object on an X\Y plane using an AVR (I saw a bit about PWM, but it doesn't seem exact enough to me; maybe I'm missing something). What's the best way to determine distance per revolution with both DC and servo motors?
Thank you all, once again