I have a school project where I have to test a sensor and then measure the output with a multimeter.
I'm using a LM35DZ piece which gives as output itself a linear voltage of 10mV/C degree.
However, one requirement of this project is to have at the very ending a current between 4-20 mA.
The temperature in my hometown is about 25 degrees, so I'm willing to set my 0% (4mA) as 20 degrees, while 100 degrees would be my 20mA output. I've seen a couple of solutions involving transistors and potentiometers.
My rough set is receiving 5V at +Vs' leg of the LM35, GND grounded and the Vout goes directly to non-inverting input of a u741 operational amplifier, while I have a classical non-inverting amplification configuration.
The big deal here is I am struggling to transform this 0.2V into 4mA and further the 1V voltage into 20mA.
Any ideas/explanation attached (as I am also writing a report about it) of how to do it?
Appreaciate the attention and hope to hear something soon!