I've a stupid problem and I don' figure out how I can solve it. In my design I'm using a rising edge detector. The problem is that ActiveHDL doesn't simulate it in the way that I expect. The VHDL code is :
process (clk_i, rst_i)
if ( rst_i = '1' ) then
wb_IO_cyc_i_d <= '0';
wb_IO_cyc_i_edged <= '0';
elsif (rising_edge(clk_i) ) then
wb_IO_cyc_i_d <= wb_IO_cyc_i;
wb_IO_cyc_i_edged <= ( not wb_IO_cyc_i_d ) and wb_IO_cyc_i;
end if;
end process;
The problem is that the simulation is the following
The signal wb_IO_cyc_i_d should be delayed of 1 clock cycle but it doesn't. Someone can tell me why?
in the simulation? If it's going high just before the clock edge, that's what the simulation would look like. If it's an asynchronous input, you should put it through a 2-stage synchronizer before feeding it to your edge detector. \$\endgroup\$wb_IO_cyc_i
is synchronous. The signals in simulation are the inputs of the entity where there is that process so I don't understand that result. Thewb_IO_cyc_i_d
has to be delayed. Am I wrong ? \$\endgroup\$