I'm currently trying generate a wave in a circuit but am running into the issue of figuring out exactly how to measure the propagation velocity. The circuit diagram is below L1=L2=L3, C1=C2=C3, R1=R2=R3: I have a finite transmission line setup as such:
I understand the theory which would suggest v = \$1/\sqrt{LC}\$, but I'm having issue figuring out how to precisely measure this.
I thought that I should be able to send a pulse and measure the time it takes for the signal after the last L to reach maximum voltage, then divide by the number of RLC blocks to get RLC blocks per second. But I'm not 100% certain this is correct or the best approach - especially since the theoretical v is much larger. I suppose on the oscilloscope I could be seeing the response at the end from an earlier pulse.
Below is the measurements I am taking, The blue is the pulse and green is measured after the last L component.From this it would seem v = 500 blocks / sec while the calculated v = \$1/\sqrt{LC}\$ = 7502 blocks / sec.