I have a PCB that's designed to output 3.3V from a 5V source. The 5V source I'm currently using sources several amps (3A), though I only need about 100mA. I based the schematic on "Ultra-Low-Noise Fixed Voltage Application" circuit in the datasheet for MIC2505. For some reason when I plug in the power, I'm showing only 1.5V on the multimeter. Any ideas why this might be?
- Regulator: MIC5205-3.3BM5
- C1: 1uF / 16V ± 10% X7R Capacitor SMD-0603
- C2: 2.2uF / 16V SMD Tantalum Capacitor ± 10%
- C3: 470uF / 16V SMD Aluminum Capacitor