I have a multimeter with a battery test setting in addition to voltage measurement. This is marked 1.5-6V 50 ohm. I have some questions:
- is the only difference between the voltage and battery tester
increaseddecreased resistance? - why is the top voltage rating only 6V? should larger batteries be tested with the voltmeter? what would the extra couple hundred mA damage that would not be damaged be higher voltage testing in general?
Having decided to try a 9V battery anyway, I find that weaker (8-8.5V) ones have continually decreasing voltage as long as I hold then multimeter on the terminals. Stronger (~8.9V) batteries do not seem to exhibit this behaviour. I have read that weak batteries sometimes do this and should be disposed of.
- does a continually decreasing voltage indicate a weak battery or a damaged meter (or something else)?