I have simulated the circuit provided in this link:http://www.circuitdiagram.org/dc-voltage-doubler-multiplier-circuit.html. But, when I simulate the circuit, the output voltage is dropped and I get a simulation error after 0.56s saying A simulation error has occurred. Would you like to run the Convergence Assistant to attempt to resolve this problem automatically?. I ran the convergence assistant to fix this issue and it worked saying successfully resolved convergence issue, and then again if I simulate, it gives the same simulation error and drop at the output.
Details : when I give an input voltage Vin=5V, the output should be doubled to 10V, but there is a drop in the voltage giving an output voltage of 8.916V as shown in the figure below:
//Multisim Convergence Assistant Summary Report
Convergence Assistant Summary Report
The simulation error was corrected successfully.
Changes Made:
Multisim Convergence Assistant Log
Step 1: Verifying Error Scenario
Step 2: Setting parameter Integration Method (METHOD) to Gear
...completed. Simulation error fixed.
Step 3: Attempting rollback of Integration Method (METHOD) to Trapezoidal
...Rollback successful.
Convergence Assistant completed successfully.
I am not able to figure out the reason behind this output voltage drop and the simulation error. Any help and guidance regarding this would be appreciated. Thanks.