I was doing one of the problem sets when I stumbled upon this gem.
I know that for oscillation to occur, the gain has to be greater than 1.
The loop gain I computed is
Could anyone suggest any approach towards the problem? Thanks.
I was doing one of the problem sets when I stumbled upon this gem.
I know that for oscillation to occur, the gain has to be greater than 1.
The loop gain I computed is
Could anyone suggest any approach towards the problem? Thanks.
Some of your gain calculations are wrong: should contain terms: R/(1+RCs), 2R/(1+2RCs), 1/2RCs and, of course, gm
Derive the closed loop transfer function, which is 3rd order. For steady-state oscillation the denominator of the CLTF must factorise to the form: (s^2 + wn^2)(s + a), where wn is the resonant frequency in rad/sec. The transient, e^-at, decays to zero, leaving the steady-state sinusoid at wn rad/sec. Compare TF denominator coefficients to find the values of wn and gm
Rough calculation gives: wn = 1/RCsqrt(2); gm = sqrt(3/2)/R, but these need checking.
The above is based on the observation that the denominator of the closed loop TF of a 3rd order system can be written: (As^3 + Bs^2 + Cs + D), which can be simplified by dividing throughout by A, giving the form (s^3 + Ps^2 + Qs + R). Note that the denominator of the CLTF represents the characteristic equation; the numerator only serves to augment the natural behaviour.
The relative stability of a 3rd order CLTF can be determined by comparing the products of the inner two coefficients and the outer two coefficients. Thus, BC>AD = stable; BC=AD = critically stable (i.e. sinusoidal); BC < AD = unstable. This is a pretty useful design ROT for 3rd order systems generally.
So, taking the simplified TF and setting the sinusoidal condition, PQ=R, gives the denominator TF: (s^3 + Ps^2 + Qs + PQ) and this factorises to (s^2 + Q)(s + P), which immediately gives the resonant frequency as wn=sqrt(Q) rad/sec
Here comes my approach: It is a straighforward procedure based on the oscillation condition.
1.) Remember the oscillation condition: Loop gain real and (slightly) larger than unity (real means: Loop phase=0).
2.) Determine the loop gain A(loop) correctly. For each FET stage: Gain A=-gm*Z (Z:parallel combination). For convinience: Set R||(1/sC)=1/(sC+1/R)
3.) It turns out that the numerator of the 3rd-order loop gain function will be real and negative. Hence, for a real loop gain function the denominator also must be real and negative.
4.) This leads to the condition: Im(denominator)=0 (after setting s=jw). This equation gives you the oscillation frequency. The result will be a very simple expression.
5.) With this frequency you can determine the value of gm which makes the remaining real part equal to (or slightly larger than) unity.