My girlfriend picked up an old Philco tabletop AM radio. If I had to guess, I'd say it was manufactured around 1960. I couldn't find any model number or year stamp. It's encased in plastic. It powered up, but didn't really pick up any signal. I told her that I'd open it up, clean it up and inspect for any bad parts.
The tubes looked in good shape, but there was a cap that is blown. I'd like some reassurance that it is indeed a capacitor and that my reading of the color code is correct.
I read it as yellow, violet, orange, black, yellow. According to an online calculator, that gives me a \$4.7 \mu F, \pm 20\%, 400V\$ cap. Does that seem correct? If so, what is a suitable replacement? Searching Mouser or Digikey yields many results. I'm not sure which part is best to go with.