I'm still fairly new to electronics and have been teaching myself as a hobby. Currently I'm working on a project that detects a red laser beam, and once detected will turn AC lights OFF if they're already on, or ON if they're off.
I've got everything working except 2 things: * open relay if it is closed, close relay if it is open * not require constant laser source
At the moment it will only turn on while the laser is pointed at the detector.
How would I go about activated or deactivation the relay once the laser is detected for say 200ms? In other words how do I set it up to not require a constant laser source.
Secondly, what would be a good way to detect if the relay is already on or not? I mean I can check and see if the light sensor is active or not, but I'm trying to do this all without an Arduino or other micro controller. So how would I detect if the relay or light sensor is active or not from inside the same circuit, and then perform the opposite action to turn the lights on or off.
Am I going about this the right way or am I missing something?
Any help on this is greatly appreciated.