I need to design an embedded sotfware that will drive a LTE cellular device (like u-Blox TOBY L2 Series) and its TCP/IP stack to transmit some data toward a distant server.
I'm waiting for the device to be delivered at work. For now, I use a GPRS device (u-Blox LEON series). Basically I perfom the following commands :
- Configure PSD profile with AT+UPSD
- Activate PSD profile with AT+UPSDA=0,3
- Open socket with AT+USOCR=6
- Connect to server IP with AT+USOCO=0,"xx.xxx.xx.xxx","pp" where xx is the IP address and pp is the port number
- Write data with AT+USOWR
This is a very basic flowchart, I don't need very specific settings, just the default one. I do not configure a PDP context with AT+CGDCONT or anything else. Maybe the configuration of the PSD with AT+UPSD is enough with both GPRS and LTE network.
The problem is the following : Apparently there are some differences between GPRS/UMTS devices and LTE devices when it comes to set up the network configuration (PDP context for GPRS/UMTS devices and EPS for LTE). I have read quite everything about these data session setups but I don't manage to fully understand the differences.
So when I will switch from GPRS device (LEON) to LTE device (TOBY), what differences will occur in terms of setups and/or AT commands?