Yesterday, I've posted attenuated and biased output from op-amp
And attenuation has been solved and bias remains.
After googling and with answers in stackexchange, I've built and improved the circuit:
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Well, the output is somewhat better than what I have got yesterday (Yellow - input, Blue - output):
But somewhat seems wrong and different with calculations:
- Still, output is negatively bias a little bit while input is almost unbiased.
- A resistance of compensation resistor
is different from calculations- In allaboutcircuits and youtube video from 10:14, a resistance of
is calculated asR_G||R_F
. - According to them,
should be less than 47 kOhm. But, when I've put a resistor with a such resistance value, output is negatively biased much more. - Sorry, forgot to take a picture of it. Picutre down below is taken with a different circuit configuration, but it is a similar one with what I've seen.
- In allaboutcircuits and youtube video from 10:14, a resistance of
Is there something that I am missing? In the youtube video from 23:14, he reduces resistances of R_G
and R_F
by a tenth while keeping their ratio the same and also reduces R_COMP
by a tenth. Then output bias has eliminated significatly. Is it somewhat related with my situation?