I should probably say that this a basic question, I don't know much about this stuff, please don't be too hard on me.
Ok so I kind of thought it would be fun if I could light up 12V halogen lamps using 220V power supply, so I did a few calculations: The bulb is rated at 60W, so according to P=VI, it should draw 5A current. Now since the input voltage is 220V and I need 12V, the voltage drop across the resistor will have to be 220-12=208V. The bulb draws 5A current so according to R=V/I, so I would need a 41.6 Ohm resistor, say approx. 40 Ohm.
I wanted to ask if my calculations are correct and if it is indeed safe and practical to drop voltage using resistors. I would also like some details on what kind of resistor I should use. Thanks.