I have a simple circuit swapping eight thermocouples through a MAX31855 analog-temperature-to-digital converter with two CD74HC4067 multiplexers. The MAX31855 is wired to the SPI pins on a raspberry pi.
I can poll the temperatures without issue, but I'm surprised that I need a ~125 ms delay between each poll for reliable data. If I shorten this, I end up polling the same thermocouple twice. For my own education, I'm trying to figure out why this is the case.
In my current understanding, almost everything should have a microsecond response time. The thermocouples' Seeback effect is near-instantaneous, and SPI communication is 32 bits at 500 kbps = 64 us. The system is behaving like the multiplexers are slow, but nothing in the datasheet suggests that this is the case.
What am I missing?
Edit Here's a sketch of the circuit. I'm using the Adafruit and Sparkfun breakout boards, and the red and yellow stubs are thermocouple hookups. The signal outputs are attached to the screw terminal block of the Adafruit board.