I got three sensors stick from sparkfun : https://www.sparkfun.com/products/10724 which each one got an arduino pro mini that filters the data before to send to a main Arduino.
and until this point everything works, not even a issue.
But what I want to do next is to connect all the 3 arduinos via I2C to share the filtered data and at this point there is a big issue, the first arduino can acces to 3 Sensors via I2C and it crashes when I start to access to the unique address.
I wanted to make an independent I2C bus that exists only between the Sensor and Arduino pro mini and then another one that share the data to the main Arduino Uno.
So far I got no luck and what I came up to do, is to use a Serial cascade system
There is anything I can do to use the I2C bus rather than Serial to share the 3 data filtered by each arduino and send it to the main Arduino UNO ?