Here's the simple verilog code that contains WR_n signal. This signal (net) is not explicitly assigned to a LOC (pin) in the .ucf file. The design implements without any errors. I would assume that the WR_n net is assigned automatically to a pin. How do I know which pin is that?
module BasicCounter(
input PCLK,
input RESET,
output reg WR_n,
output [31:0] DQ,
output [7:0] LED
reg [31:0] Counter;
// Put key signals on LEDs for DEBUG, ~ since LED is ON when signal is low
assign LED = ~Counter[31:24];
assign DQ = Counter;
always @ (posedge PCLK or posedge RESET) begin
if (RESET) begin
WR_n <= 1; // Disable writes
Counter <= 0;
else begin
WR_n <= 0;
Counter <= Counter + 1;
And this is how the report menu looks like: