I am using this Differential In/Out Opamp circuit as ADC driver and to provide some gain(G=6.4).
The component values are R53,R52=100, C28, C27=1.1uF, R56= 1K, R57=open, R55,R54= 2K7, U6=OPA2211.
At ADC input I have simple RC filter.
Component Values are C10,C11=Open, C7=1uF, R26, R27=100.
Now the problem I am facing is My opamp output seems to have some noise like this,
But as I expanded the time scale I saw this,
I don't understand where this is coming from, I powered my ckt with linear supply but saw no improvement. Sensor connected to OPamp Inputs is a wheatstone bridge Pressure sensor and it looks cleans. kindly help me.
Edit: I am using MCP1640 Boost converter to get 5v from 1 cell Liion. And using MCP1702 to get 3.3 V from 5V. I thought it was switching noise but I also tried with Linear supply.