I am designing a 12-5 V Buck converter on a pcb (as part of a larger design) with a LM2596S-5.0 and using one of the recommended diodes, a 50WQ03.
On the datasheet, both pins 1 & 3 are connected to the anode, and 2 & 4 connected to the cathode, however it looks like 2 isn't able to be connected to the pcb because it is too short and not lowered to the same level as the rest of the pins, as well as not being included on the recommended pcb footprint.
I was wondering if it is in any way advantageous to use both pin 1 & 3 (I am thinking more copper area for heat dissipation), or just one of them, and also what the purpose of a stub pin (not sure if this is the correct name) like pin 2 is?