
I have a PIC starter kit. I am doing a simple program of turning on led when switch is pressed and then turning them off when switch is released like following:

  led = 1;
  led = 0;

I was actually not able to do above code in MPLAB. Then I found a tutorial online. I used that code and it was working.

Switch is connected to RD7
Led is connected to RD0


if(PORTAbits.RD7 == 0) 
  PORTDbits.RD0 = 1;
else if(PORTAbits.RD7 == 1)
  PORTDbits.RD0 = 0;

Now I am confused. Why led is turning on when switch(RD7) is low. Can anyone explain me this logic.?


2 Answers 2


You should refer to the User Guide. It says that

Push button switches provide the following functionality:

• SW1: Active-low switch connected to RD6

• SW2: Active-low switch connected to RD7

• SW3: Active-low switch connected to RD13


The switches do not have any debounce circuitry and require the use of internal pull-up resistors; this allows you to investigate software debounce techniques.

So I think this answers your question of why led is turning on when switch(RD7) is low


If you read the documentation for your board, you will see the following, which I think is self explanatory:



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