I'm trying to figure out the best method to get around 200V @ 15mA from a LiPo battery, and had a few questions.
- Should I be converting down to some voltage (eg. my microcontroller supply rail) with a buck converter and then boosting up?
- Should I go with a boost converter or a flyback converter?
- What good off the shelf ICs exist for this type of design?
- What kind of losses would I expect in conversion?
My application is a wearable device, and these are the design concerns I'm juggling:
- Minimize power dissipation from losses (do I need heatsinking? assuming 75% efficiency, I'd have to drop 750mW somewhere)
- Needs to be small form factor (how much will this decrease efficiency?)
- How should I implement short circuit protection/current limiting?
Sorry if I missed anything and thanks for the help.