In normative for manufacture electrical motors there exist two standards: DIN convention (Europe) and NEMA (American countries).
In normative DIN use for terminal leads the letters U, V, W signify the coil head, and letters X, Y, Z signify coil end.
For example, a two pole three phase motor has 6 nests, 3 coils per nest, and 6 leads.
The first head nest start letter U --- (end nest) (one pole north) join end --- X terminal (one pole south) phase 1 north pole and south pole 180° elec grade. Phase 2 is similar to phase 1, V head start ----- Y end head. Likewise, for Phase 3, W ----- Z.
Then we have input voltages of 208, 230 V
DIN normative (50Hz) NEMA (60 Hz)
1Ø(R)> (U)------ (X) terminal L1> T1---T4
1Ø(S)> (v)-------(Y) terminal L2> T2---T5
1Ø(T)> (w)-------(z) terminal L3> T3---T6
Now, use for start or wey connection single voltage
For start connection join (X, Y, Z) and connect U (phase 1), V (phase2), W (phase3) and delta join (U, Z) phase 1, join (V,X) phase 2, join (W,Y) phase 3.
Normative DIN (German) uses the first letter U mean (or) V, W (electrical machinery) and (R) (S) (T) for electrical terminal phases of 120°.
Note that R is not Run, S is not Start, and T is not Time
If a motor has 12 lead terminals:
(U1 ----- X1) (V1----Y1) (W1----Z1)
(U2 ----- X2) (V2----Y2) (W2----Z2)