I want to create an assignment which takes care of pull-ups from a port pin. I wrote the following:
module test5;
reg value;
reg output_enable;
reg pullup_enable;
wire pullup_helper;
wire value_helper;
wire outp;
assign (highz0, pull1 ) pullup_helper = pullup_enable;
assign value_helper = output_enable ? value : 1'bz;
assign outp = value_helper + pullup_helper;
always @(pullup_helper) $display ( "pullup_helper %b", pullup_helper );
always @(value_helper) $display ( "value_helper %b", value_helper );
always @(outp) $display ( "outp %b", outp );
initial begin
$display ("Start");
pullup_enable = 0;
output_enable = 0;
value = 0;
$display ("1");
output_enable = 1;
$display ("2");
value = 1;
$display ("3");
value = 0;
I got the output:
pullup_helper z
value_helper z
value_helper 0
value_helper 1
value_helper 0
Q: Why does outp
never change?
EDIT: Because the full answer is related to some comments on the given answers I will summarize the results:
As with support from Greg the answer to the problem is in two steps:
The default installation on Fedora 22 is Icarus 0.9.6. This version is buggy. As Greg tested also version 0.9.7 has the same bug. I installed the latest released version v10 (changed version conventions?)
The second part is simply let drive to assign statements into one wire.
assign (pull1,pull0) bus = pullup_en ? 1'b1 : 1'bz;
assign bus = output_en ? value : 1'bz;
With Icarus Verilog V10 it works as expected.