I'm using Atmel Atmega256rfr2 which is a 8bit microcontroller with a radio transceiver for IEEE 802.15.4 communication. They come in 2 evaluation boards #1 and #2. Both are almost same with the main difference being that #1 has an on-board debugger and #2 does not. Both the boards use on-chip ceramic antenna by default but also have the capability to use an external antenna. #1 has SMA female on board and #2 has MS 147 connector.
I want to use the external antenna and I'm not sure how to choose one. I have the following questions.
- Can I use any SMA male antenna for the 2.4Ghz range like this?
- For MS 147 on #2 should I use MS147 - SMA converter and then use SMA antenna? I cant seem to find a mating MS 147 male antenna.
- How do I select the gain and height? How much of a difference does it make to overall performance? One of the reasons I want to use external antenna is that the on-chip ceramic antenna does not fare very well outdoor. My hypothesis is that external antennas can provide better range and reliability.
- Can I use monopole or a dipole antenna?