I'm currently working with a circuit that is slightly more complicated than a buck-boost converter, but for simplicity let's just consider the small-signal model of a standard buck-boost converter.
I want to determine the open-loop output impedance of this converter. I'm familiar with how to find output impedance of a simple amplifier, but the small-signal aspects and the open-loop specification are, for lack of a better phrase, throwing me for a loop.
I know the general idea is to make the sources zero. Does that mean eliminate (short the V sources, open the I sources) both voltage sources and both current sources in the picture?
Then what exactly are my Z_1 and Z_2 (i.e., Zout = Z_2/(Z_1+Z_2)). Or is that even the correct method? Do I push everything through the transformers to the output and just use that expression containing all the impedances in the circuit for the total impedance?