I'd like to capture packets on LVDS communications links. These links are a single pair in each direction - TX and RX, point-to-point, with 8b/10b encoding. I'm looking for options to sniff communications on these links to analyze packets for debug purposes. For most other communications links such as Ethernet, RS-232, I2C, USB etc - there are options to sniff communications on the wire or in a repeater or receiver. What about LVDS?
1 option is to modify an FPGA on 1 side of the link to buffer TX and RX traffic. This offers the advantage of gaining access to decoded data but this approach also has the disadvantage of modifying one of the components being debugged. It would be nice to be able to tap into a comm link and capture traffic.
Why would I do this? To debug communications problems caused by noise, hardware problems or bugs in code - the same reason that sniffers are used on other types of communications links.