Even after a few hours Googling, I'm unable to identify this flat-flex connector, so I'm thinking it's time to turn to the community for help!
The connector in question is this guy:
Of course, I already looked for identifying info such as brand, etc., but was only rewarded with a few generic/informational markings:
- "43 2B" in the upper-left-hand corner (on the back retention clip of the connector)
- "1A" in the bottom-right-hand corner
Other things I know about the connector:
- it has 43 circuits
- 14.25mm length
- 3.75mm width (with retention clip closed)
- flex cable contacts are all the same size, but staggered into two rows
- either 0.5 or 0.3mm pitch (hard to tell, given the staggering)
Here's the same shot of the connector with magnification in each corner (I've verified these markings by viewing/lighting at other angles; not included).
Any help that anyone can offer here would be massively appreciated!