In VHDL, the constant declaration requires that the type is specified. The length is usually baked in to the type. For example
constant my_constant : unsigned(63 downto 0):= X"0000000000000001";
Whenever a signal is driven by a numeric constant, it's necessary to match the constant length with the signal length.
For example:
signal my_signal : unsigned(63 downto 0);
my_signal <= X"0000000000000001";
Since VHDL is strongly typed, if the literal length does not match the signal declaration, it will produce an error.
As jeff mentioned, it's also possible to use to_unsigned, as follows:
my_signal <= x + y + to_unsigned(1,my_signal'length);
datatype? \$\endgroup\$integer
datatype. It is a signed 32bit datatype. \$\endgroup\$