
In a speaker there is a resonance impedance. Now I am trying to cancel this out in order to create a flat impedance graph for all frequencies.

I know this can be done by using a parallel Zobel network.

The problem lies in the resonance impedance. I think this can be flattened using a RLC circuit parallel to the speaker. I would like to simulate this using Pspice but I cannot seem to find the right values for the resistance,capacitance and inductance.

  1. Would this work?
  2. How can I calculate these values for R,C and L?

1 Answer 1


For an explanation of the flattening of the post-resonance increase in impedance, take a look here - for a slightly less easy-to-read explanation of how to flatten the resonance peak (and the post-resonance ramp), take a look here.

BTW - I found both of these using Uncle Google and I learned something in the process.


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