I'm working on a design which needs a 9V supply. This is currently provided by a 9V battery, but I'm looking to change to a lithium battery (3.3 to 4.7V).
This supply has a pulsed load of up to 2A, with a pulse width of 10 to 300 us pulsing at a frequency of 2 to 200 Hz. The maximum average current is only perhaps 40 mA or much lower, but it's coming in huge spikes.
I don't have much experience with boost converters. I've been considering the TI LMR62014, which switches at 1.6MHz.
My first thought is to use a resistor and a large capacitor to smooth the average current through the converter.
simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab
Is this the right approach? Is there any glaring problems with it?
My other thoughts would be to implement a constant-current device (which would probably increase the part count quite a lot), but I'm open to any thoughts or suggestions.