I have salvaged a DC motor from an old (10-15 years) food processor and would like to use it for a project. However, in the process of taking it apart the controller board was broken so I can't measure the output to find out what voltage it needs. Are there any ways I can determine what voltage was used to drive it in the first place?
These are the things I know:
- It is definitely a brushed DC motor.
- The circuitry of the food processor is - Input from the mains (240V AC) goes through what I believe is an isolating transformer board (240V AC -> 240V AC, measured with a multimeter) which then goes immediately into a rectifier on the main board, followed by some components whose purpose I don't know, then to the motor.
- The resistance of the motor (across the motor terminals) is about 15 Ohms.
- The food processor is rated for 500W.
- When driven at 5V from a PSU, it turns quite slowly and can easily be stopped. Same for 12V. 24V drives it faster but it still doesn't have enough torque, and I can't get any higher voltages from the PSU.
- The motor is 7cm in diameter and weighs about 1kg.
- The motor has no identifying markings.
From the second point, it would seem that because the transformer doesn't step down the voltage and 240V AC gets rectified into 240V DC, the max voltage of the motor is 240V DC but this seems much too high. The other circuitry probably used PWN to reduce the effective voltage but still... Does this assumption seem correct?
The project I want to use it in is a tabletop disc sander. For this purpose I guess the motor doesn't need to run at full speed but maybe ~60V? I'm interested in building my own DC motor controller circuit to just supply a constant voltage, nothing too fancy. Does this seem achievable? Could anyone point me in the right direction? What do I need in the circuit other than a transformer, rectifier & flyback diode?
I have some experience with digital electronics but this is my first time using high voltage.